IMPORTANT: This information should not be downloaded using government equipment, read during duty time, or sent to others using government equipment, because it suggests action to be taken in support of and/or against legislation. Do not list your government email or government address in filling out this message, and do not use a government provided phone for this action.

The following message is from Bob Nicklas, director of the American Federation of  Government Employee’s Political Action Committee and Issues Mobilization Department:

If we can get 10,504 more signatures before June 1, the Obama Administration will be forced to issue a response to our We the People petition to keep dirty, unsafe chicken off of your kitchen table and stop the USDA from cutting the jobs of over 800 AFGE chicken inspectors. But time is running out and unless the proposed rules are changed, this is what you could be eating for your next dinner:

Tumors, feces and bile. The new white meat?

If you’ve already taken action, thank you and please forward this email to everyone you know who eats chicken! If you haven’t signed our We the People petition yet, here’s what we need you to do:

    • If you have an account, sign-in and sign the petition.
    • If you don’t have an account, just click this button and enter your information. This does not mean the White House will start emailing you:
Create an account
  • You’ll then be taken back to the petition to sign, or you can follow our link in step 1.

The USDA is considering this pilot program to eliminate federal inspection and mandatory training simply to allow private poultry processing plants to do whatever they can to save a buck.

This won’t take more than 5 minutes, but your signature will help ensure that President Obama hears about the threat to clean food on our dinner tables.

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